🥾Pa’rus Trail- Easy 3.4 mile out and back. This Trail starts at Vistor Center- meanders along the river. It’s a paved trail that dogs, strollers, and bikes are all welcome on. Look for tarantulas and big horn sheep here!
🥾Emerald Pools- Moderate 3 mi., but can be shortened by just going to the lower pool. This is paved and can be done as a loop or out and back. You can start this trail at the Zion Lodge Shuttle stop.
🥾Watchman Trail- moderate, 3.1 mi. out and back that begins at the Vistor Center. This trail does gain some elevation of 626 ft to make it to the top, but your hike down is easy. We loved this one as we spotted bighorn sheep and tarantulas on the trail.
🥾Canyon Overlook- 1 mile moderate, out and back on the east side. We hiked this trail last time we were here when the tunnel was closed. We saw Bighorn Sheep and had the entire sunset over the canyon to ourselves. There are some steep drop offs. $15 tunnel pass for large vehicles.
🥾Kolob Canyon: Taylor Creek Trail- 4.9 mi. moderate with 590 feet elevation gain on the Kolob Canyon side of the park. This was actually pretty easy because the elevation gain was very gradual. It’s worth hiking the whole way to the arches, but even just walking part of this one is worth it. The kids loved all the creek crossings and we loved how quiet and serene this part of Zion was.
📸The Narrows- 8.9 miles hard through the icy virgin river and 695 ft elevation gain. Take the shuttle to the Temple of Sinewava. You will be walking through the river with towering canyon walls on both sides. Hiking into Wall Street and back will shorten your hike to about 6 mi. round trip. We opted for no dry suits, but definitely get the boots and sticks as the rocks will twist your ankles and make you fall.
🥾Angels Landing- 4.4 mile, hard with 1604 ft elevation gain. Ride Shuttle to The Grotto. This is one of the hardest hikes we have done due to the exposure and quick elevation change. Luke and I did this alone, but older kids could cautiously make the trek. Wear proper hiking shoes, avoid crowds, and go slow!
For more details on these hikes, go HERE. For a Zion Bucket List, go HERE.